Sunday, March 11, 2007


I am really quite tired. It's the good tired, though. The kind that you get from working all day at something. The kind that is equal parts exhaustion and accomplishment. Katie came over this morning to work on a big shop update and we worked solidly all day, stopping only for a family dinner at my aunt and uncle's. Then back to work--Michael joined us and we were all able to get quite a bit done. As much as I would rather not look at glue or sharpies ever again, I know that it will feel so much better during my work week to know that so much is finished. And it was so nice to spend time with Katie. It's rare to spend a solid 12 hours together these days.

Thank you, thank you to all of those who have supported us either with purchases (which is matched only by unspeakable gratitude), or with kind words and well wishes (equally immense gratitude). I can't even tell you how incredible it is to check my email and find a little bauble in my inbox. And I know that Katie and Michael feel that. I know that my whole family feels that. I had a friend (so unnecessarily) apologize for not being able to contribute financially. But his words of encouragement--that moved me to work a little later into the night. And, more importantly, to get up a little earlier in the morning. And to anyone who knows me, well, they know the remarkable importance of that rare incident.

So, I'm off to bed. I'm starting to realize that it's really a whole hour later and, once I hang up all of my newly clean clothes, my bed is going to look awfully comfy.

Sweet dreams,

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