Thursday, March 22, 2007

another list

Other lovelies making me happy...

1. It is officially, officially Spring. And I am promising to enjoy it for all it's worth before I am shaking my sweaty fist in anger at 105 degree days.

2. A lovely exchange with a child (A three-year-old name Reagan)---
Me: Is that your baby brother?
Reagan: That's Baby Reese. (pause) I think he's my brother.
Me: Oh. Excellent.
Grandma: Reese was adopted.

Love it. She'll figure it out eventually.

3. I downloaded a new-to-me artist yesterday. I can do that more now because I joined e-music, and it has guilt-free downloading. (They wooed me in the promise of 50 free downloads.) Anyway, I tend to pay very close attention to "people who downloaded this also downloaded_________." So should you not pay attention to that, and always wonder who does, well it's me. I am the target audience of the "people also bought" in really any form. Not in a conformist sort of way, just more out of curiosity and a desire to discover other artists. So I just downloaded Andrew Bird's "Armchair Apocrypha"-- and I am loving it. I listened to it on the way home from work today, and was really enjoying it. But when it got to track five and he used the lyrics "and I was a cartographer of tangles in your hair" and "awkward pause" in the same song, I thought "Sold." I also decided that I seem to be drawn to artists who make good use of glockenspiels and whistling. Among other things.

I think, perhaps, that I'll leave my list at three this time. I am hoping to add a new print to the shop in the near future. I have an idea that has been stirring around inside me for quite sometime, and I just seem to be having the hardest time getting it out on paper. But hopefully it will happen. We'll see.

Hope you can find some blessings too.

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