Sunday, May 6, 2007

(insert something incredibly clever)

What a weekend. Michael, (of Katie-and-Michael, my sister and brother-in-law) graduated from college this weekend. So, naturally, much planning and preparations went into a celebratory dinner. I thought the night went off quite well, but the memories will just have to remain in my head as I once again failed to take any photographs. So no record of the 8 dozen cupcakes that were baked for the festivities. No photos of the admittedly clever, and rather cute, centerpieces. No documentation of how lovely my sister and I looked in our dinner party outfits. Nothing. I did manage, though, to take a picture of this:

Yes, that's right. A turkey. A wild one. I saw something walking on the deck on the back of our house and fully expected it to be our neighbor's cat. But no, it was a turkey. Which actually walked fairly quickly and made more of a squeaking noise instead of a "gobbling" noise that I expected. Other lessons I learned this week, besides the mph of a turkey:

1. Cooking. When cooking, it is very important to follow the recipe exactly until you, oh, know something at all about how to cook. It is also important to use the ingredients listed and properly look up the correct conversions for others until you, oh, know anything at all about cooking. I'm just saying.

2. Gratitude. When we started Project 8256 I did not really think about the affect that it would have on me personally. That wasn't really the point. But a mother of two adopted sons emailed me, saying that she had purchased two prints to give to her sons' birthmothers for Mother's Day. I cannot really explain how touched--how honored--I am by that. I am so thrilled to be a part of that in some small way, and am really so, so thankful that she chose to share that with me. Sometimes it feels like we will never sell enough to make this work, but then something like that will happen and it reminds that it is worthwhile, and keeps me motivated and encouraged.

That's really it, I suppose. I am planning on locking myself away on Tuesday in hopes of creating a few new prints and perhaps some originals. We'll see.


EDIT: So, my father just read this post and informed me that this isn't actually a turkey. It's some other bird, of which I've already forgotten the name. Apparently that's why it didn't "gobble". So much for being a wilderness girl. And I planted flowers on Earth Day and everything...


Unknown said...

Amy, I got the prints. They're adorable!

You are doing a wonderful thing!

You're linked on my blog and I've passed the info on to several other people.

Hope it does some good!

Katie Morris said...

I love that you consider planting flowers on Earth Day a “wilderness” activity!

Dawn said...

That's a guinea hen. We used to have a flock of them. They roosted in the tree behind my room and chattered away at any disturbance. They make great watch dogs.