Wednesday, May 30, 2007

get ready...

So here is some of the most exciting news to date regarding Project 8256...

The following little gems are all available for purchase at Blue 7 in Oklahoma City. I am so entirely overwhelmed by their generosity that I don't think I can really do it justice in this little blog. It's important to know that they are not making a profit of any kind from this, but are instead giving us exposure in an incredible, exciting boutique as a way to help us generate more support. So nice. So here's what you can find:

Framed originals of "Completely" and "I Liked John" as well as the original of "Take Wing". The other four are all new pieces. The majority of the prints in the Etsy shop will be available at Blue 7 as well.

So, should you live in the okc metroplex, be sure to go by Blue 7 (5028 N. May Ave.) and check it out. But, should you not live within driving or short-road-trip distance, then don't fret because the Etsy shop will still be around.

I'm feeling such a range of emotions right now. I'm, of course, really excited and hopeful, but I also still feel so new at all of this that I'm a little nervous, a little anxious. But mostly, overwhelmingly, I'm just extremely touched and just so, so thankful.


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