Sunday, August 5, 2007

a day of rest

Oh my goodness. I would love to be able to say that there is something new and exciting in the Project 8256 shop tonight, but I have to admit that my work week was absolute chaos, and has left me with little left. I got up this morning, went to church, came home and sat down hoping to really get something accomplished, and instead found myself curled up in bed for a little nap. Which I actually really needed, so I'm glad I was able to do so, but I didn't exactly get to check things off of my list. Tomorrow, perhaps.

I seem, lately, to be getting emails and comments from individuals who have found out about Project 8256, and find themselves wanting to do something similar but don't know how to go about it. I think that just the idea that someone would stumble across this and be somehow inspired to action is really, really amazing. Humbling. But I think that it's really important for me to point out that I was, and am still, very much in that same sort of place. I certainly never thought that this is what I would be doing with my time. This project came from a very strong, and deeply personal need. If everything had gone according to plan--to my family's plan--this never would have existed. But that wasn't God's plan. And so here I am now.

There are some things that arise in your life that, under the circumstances, you have no other choice but to step up. Rise to action. Do what you can. Those times, those seasons, may be few and far between. They are unplanned, unscheduled. There are other things that I think are unique to each person. These are the things that you feel tugging at you off and on, the things that seem to have a very deep, profound affect on you. These are causes and needs on which you can, if needed, have a planned, strategized affect. But I think this is a lot harder to do. It is for me, at least. This requires listening, waiting, patience. And maybe the answer is some sort financial support, but maybe it is simply action, behavior.

One of the things that I am the most thankful for in my job is that it has given me the opportunity to work with so many young women. And over the years I have witnessed so many struggling with eating disorders, poor self-image, low self-esteem, addiction and so on. I am certainly not exempt from many of these same struggles, but I am continually heart-broken to see so many vibrant, talented, beautiful girls who are hurting so much. My point is that, in this instance, the answer is not financial support, an event, something scheduled or planned. The answer instead is to listen, to encourage, to uplift.

So I guess my answer to those that want to give but feel as though they don't know just how to go about it, is to look deep within. What is important to you? What changes need to be made? Maybe giving financially to something is the answer. Maybe it is sharing your time. Maybe it is simply making a change in your own behavior. I am certainly no expert at this. But I do know how rewarding it is, how exciting it is, to have something for which you are truly passionate. It makes the hard work, the droopy eyes, the late nights fully worth it.

Be blessed.


1 comment:

lizcannon said...

I love you okamysue