Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I just finished reading Craft Inc. by Meg Mateo Ilasco, and it honestly couldn't have been published at a better time. Unless, perhaps, that time was, oh, three months ago. I know that if you read the same crafty/design blogs as I do, you have certainly stumbled across this book, as it has been popping up all over the place. On the off chance that you have not yet heard of it, and you are, like me, trying to "turn your creative hobby into a business", then let me assure you that this is a MUST READ. It was really so, so helpful and I am sure I will refer back to it many times.

Completely unrelated to books and such, but equally important: I was updating my blog profile (i.e. adding an email link should you need/want to contact me without having to set up an etsy account to do so. whoops!), and noticed that it had my "industry" listed as ACCOUNTING. Now, you probably don't know me well enough yet to know how absolutely ridiculous that is. I don't think there are many other professions that I could be less suited for. So my apologizes if you had been visualizing me crunching numbers day in and day out. That vision is untrue.

If you feel the need to visualize me doing something, you can picture me making hundreds of little sets of gift tags, because that is all I have been doing lately. Why, you ask? Well, keep your eyes peeled for an update later this week with one, maybe two really exciting announcements. But definitely one.


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