Friday, March 14, 2008

If you were still considering..

...if you should go to Blue 7 this Saturday (tomorrow!) or not, I thought I would help you make up your mind:

1. I've heard rumblings of a PRIZE WHEEL--and you know that ever since those days when you were "too sick" to go to school and instead stayed home and watched The Price is Right, that you've been dreaming of the day that you could spin a prize wheel. Here's your chance.

2. Mother's Day is right around the corner and you know that your mother/grandmother/aunt/mother-of-your-child will be thoroughly convinced that she raised you right/your offspring is destined for greatness when you give a gift from Project 8256 that is helping a family grow and orphans in Africa at the same time.

3. You love cupcakes.

4. You love Blue 7--so much so that you will wear your "I made out with Blue 7" t-shirt with pride (especially when you know that $5 from that very t-shirt is being donated to Project 8256).

5. You're a multi-tasker who loves the idea of shopping, eating cupcakes, winning prizes, listening to live music, and supporting a great boutique and a wonderful cause ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Weekends will never look the same again.

Convinced? That's what I thought.

So go to Blue 7 at their new location at May and Grand this Saturday from 11-10pm. I'm pretty sure it's going to be amazing.



Ju said...

Just wanted to say what an awesome thing you are doing! I have been going through the fantastic selection of art in your etsy really is brilliant! I hope to be a customer and supporter soon!!

Amy said...

Hi ju--

Thanks so much for your sweet comment. It certainly brightened my day.
