Saturday, July 19, 2008

what i did on my summer vacation...

Sorry (again) for the lousy job at blogging.  It's been a busy few months.  But I have been working away at several different projects, one of which was designing and making invitations for a friend's wedding.

Luckily (?)  I had already planned on taking this last week off from work in an attempt to start some new, very exciting future projects and to catch up on things around my house.  I didn't get to accomplish any of those, but I did manage to finish the invitations.  It was an intense week, but I am pleased with the result, and hopefully the bride and groom will be as well.

The inspiration for the overall design came from this print.  The bride's favorite flower is the sunflower, so we pulled our colors from that.

Here's what they looked like all packaged up:

Each invitation received two tags--one with the "forever" image and one personalized with the recipient's name or names. Couples and families received tags like those above, and single individuals received tags that looked like this:

For more detailed shots of each card, you can visit my flickr account.   

I hope you are all doing well and staying cool!  Oh, and I have lots of new banners in my paper goods shop, if you'd like to check those out as well.



Driscoll Otto said...

They are so gorgeous!! I can't wait to get responses from our guests! I love them. Amy thank you beyond words for making these such an extra special part of our wedding. They are more than I could have ever dreamed of.

Katie Morris said...

They look absolutely amazing!